Quest for The Rainbow Bridge to Asgard and the All Sight of Heimdall

Robert Quest
16 min readMar 8, 2021


We live in a time of great divide. You do not cross a great divide. You rise above it in terms of consciousness, higher consciousness. In the lowest levels of consciousness, you will see division in all things. You are fighting for your survival. Your feelings, emotions, and desires are in control. We become divided and we are conquered in the battle for our minds.

In the higher levels of consciousness, you will find oneness and unity in everything. You will know the love within and bliss. This is what has been taught throughout the ages.

This chapter will cover the internal body part of the awakening process. They say knowledge is power but actually, the application of knowledge is power. We will be covering the mind in further chapters.

It has been written that the oceans of the deepest blue will give you sight to behold. The all in everything. The all in you and the all in others, the all in all life itself. The oneness and unity in all. Oneness and unity is everything.

Spiritual awakening is a journey through consciousness with many twists and turns. It is not all rainbows and butterflies, but it is essential to have self-knowledge and self-awareness of the human body’s inner sciences. This is an overview of just part of our inner workings at play. Our inner world creates our outer world or our own version of reality.

Heaven and Hell, Asgard and Helheim, Mt Olympus and Hades are not places you go or an ending at all. They are the upper and lower points of human consciousness to be attained in the here and now. You must go within and climb and rise to attain them.

Whether you decide to climb the ladder of 7 rungs, cross the rainbow bridge to Asgard, visit the 7 churches, rise through the 7 heavens or meditate on the 7 chakras or even a rainbow outside an ark sitting on a mountaintop, they all show the way up or down. The way to rise above the great divide. The power is within you; the kingdom is within you, and climb you must. They all show the way. They all say the same thing in different ways.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

The story of the tower of Babel says just that very thing. It was a time when humanity was all one; we all worked and ascended together. This is what the tower going into the heavens represents. We all spoke the same language, the language of the heart. Isn’t it ironic that the Earth is an anagram for heart?

Based upon archeological evidence, I presume the angry god of that story is when a great cataclysm occurred here on earth in the form of asteroids or huge meteorites. They struck the Earth and plunged us into chaos and cast what remained as survivors worldwide fighting for our survival to exist as a species. There would have been tsunamis, a deluge, or a great flood. We were plunged into darkness fighting to survive, and all our knowledge was cast around the globe in fragments. There are over 200 accounts of this by all peoples worldwide in stories, legends, religions, and mythology.

The collective consciousness of the planet plummeted to that of the deepest red, the lowest form of human consciousness, which is survival itself. What is collective consciousness? It is the combined consciousness of all of us, including all life on this planet. We are all interconnected on this planet; we truly are all one whether you realize it or not. The collective consciousness of this planet is the original worldwide web of us and all living things.

Have you ever walked through a forest or a jungle? You see trees, ferns, flowers, and so many other plants growing up from the ground in an orchestra of color and to heights of symphonic splendor. You see birds, insects, arachnids, and animals all moving about to complete this majestic concert of life. There is no good or evil, nor is there right or wrong in the forest and jungle. It is just being.

“It is in the time spent alone that you become ALL ONE”


However, the most beautiful part of a forest or a jungle lies underneath it all. All the root systems and mycelium are all interconnected. They all communicate with each other, feed each other, and divert resources to where they are needed most. They alert each other of danger, such as a fire or destruction miles away. It is a constant motion of life, death, decay, renewal, and rebirth. There is no beginning or end, only cycles , the cycles of life.

We are all interconnected just like those root systems in our worldwide web of life; only you don’t see the roots because the roots are our own individual consciousness. The internet of today was modeled after it. The internet or worldwide web is a virtual world within our world.

We have become disconnected from this living, breathing, sentient being with a heart, soul, and spirit. We have become disconnected from the very spirit of our planet, our home, and sadly from each other. Even with all of our technological advancements, we are at one of our lowest points in human consciousness. We must reconnect to Spirit, the Spirit of the Earth.

I chose to start with me. I will be the change I want to see in the world. I knew it has to be an inner journey, a spiritual journey, and an inside job. It is wise to have a map to follow, whether the journey is inner or outer, wouldn’t you agree? This overview is but a step in the journey before you.

Based upon my view, I believe humanity, individually and collectively, currently hovers in the lower 3 dimensions of consciousness. Whether we aspire to go higher or lower depends on our life choices and the path we choose. The knowledge of this brings light to self-awareness of the inner journey before you.

As I mentioned above, the upper and lower points of consciousness have been called many things throughout the ages by our ancestors. They have all pointed to the 7 dimensions of human consciousness in many different ways. If you study archeology, spirituality, and ancient civilizations they all have nature’s rainbow of 7 somewhere within them. Some are a rainbow in the dark, some are for all the world to see. Let’s explore the 7 colors of that beautiful rainbow we see as we look above after the clouds break from the rain and how it represents our own inner journeys. The human body happens to be made up of over 60% water.

We are beings of living energy, vibration, and frequency as Nikola Tesla famously said, and science has proven it today. This would mean Consciousness is energy, frequency, and vibration too. So, the higher the frequency and vibration attained by the human body, the higher levels of consciousness should follow. Why do you think all religions have a form of mediation in their practices? This is an “inside job.”

“We truly can not create a new world with the level of consciousness of the last millennia, individually or collectively”

Robert Quest

The lower 3 dimensions are colored from low to high as RED, ORANGE, and YELLOW.

SURVIVAL INSTINCT is RED, as I previously mentioned is the base, it is essential for this is where your survival instinct resides. This is flight or fight. Whether you live in fear, feel you are fighting for your life, or your next rent payment, this is where it resides. This is the GROUND and foundation for all others to build upon.

Earthing and grounding, walking barefoot on the grass or beach, hiking or sitting in nature, and swimming in a river, lake or ocean pay huge dividends here.

DESIRES and FEELINGS are ORANGE. This is known as the sacral and where we get the word sacred from. This is where sexuality and all earthly desires reside. They can be lust, greed, gluttony, and substances such as alcohol. They can be a good servant in moderation but terrible masters. They all lower your vibration. If the pursuit of these things is your meaning of life, the pinnacle of your day, weekend, or even year. This might be where you stand right now.

Again this is an essential “building block” you must overcome the urges, the desires of the flesh as it was written, and continue to climb. This is what has been called the sacral, which is where the word sacred comes from. This is a special sacred place if you don’t let your earthly senses deceive you. You must rise above it.

Have you ever known somebody that has no control over their emotions? How about people that have frequent outbursts and meltdowns over trivial things? How about people that have no patience, suffer from anxiety, or no sense of calmness? How about people that are all into the next sexual experience or pornography, just a squirrel trying to get a nut? How about people that see division in everything or have an endless list of labels and identifiers? This is where they live and reside in terms of consciousness.

The retention and transmutation of your sacred energy upward, as opposed to transmission downward, will pay you phenomenal rewards in terms of your well-being and psyche. You will feel invigorated and younger. Do you feed the beast or the spirit?

I used to live there myself, so I am not passing any judgment. It is tough to see when you are standing there. I couldn’t see it myself until I decided to start looking inward and asking myself some tough questions. I asked those questions without being afraid of the answers. I found the inner truth and the courage to change it. I replaced bad habits with healthy, life-enriching habits.

I am making observations from my own life and our society as a whole. I am sharing my own spiritual journey and the lessons I have learned.

Sexual Energy is Sacred, It is Spiritual Energy to be retained and transmuted upward”


Your CENTER and INNER SUN of your inner universe is YELLOW. This is your Solar plexus and as we climb you will see you have a living solar system within you. This is your power bank where energy from below can be transmuted above and along the way.

Sun-gazing at sunrise and sunset helps charge your “battery”. A healthy diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables and hydrating yourself with pure, clean spring water really helps here. Higher vibrational foods and fluids quicken the rising road of consciousness.

Now I ask you, Have you ever seen a fire? What colors make up a fire? Red, Orange and a little Yellow, correct? What would constitute the stories of a Hell, Hades or Helheim left for us in religion and mythology? Living in those lower 3, in my opinion, is Hell, Hades, Helheim and the Underworld all rolled into one.

Are you ready to keep climbing?

The HEART or LOVE WITHIN is GREEN. Love is not a feeling, a tingle, or the biochemical process that results in the desire to procreate. Love is a state of being, our natural state of being. It is who I am. It is who you are if you choose to become it. It starts with a love for yourself, through and through, warts and all. You face and love your very soul. You are love within yourself.

This is not to be confused with love “of self,” which is vanity. Vanity lives in the 2nd realm or dimension and should be avoided. Vanity thrives in social media today or what I call “porn of the ego”.

The heart is 100 times stronger electrically and 5000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. The Heart has been shown to have its own brain, consciousness and in ancient cultures, it is written that it affects reality itself. The Heart and Brain work together in what is known as the Heart-Brain axis. The Heart is supposed to be in charge, not the Brain. Your Spirit lives in the Heart. Your Soul resides in the Mind. Heart and brain coherence is essential for inner peace and spiritual growth.

“Love and Lust can never coexist”


Remember the Tower of Babel story, when I said we used to all speak the same language, the language of the heart? Where the brain sees logic, the heart sees unity and awareness. The earth and its atmosphere are electromagnetic, and we are electromagnetic beings.

When I began to see and operate from the heart, I began to see the world from a different perspective. Instead of competition, I saw collaboration. Instead of division and differences, I began to see oneness, unity, and community. Instead of destroying and being disconnected from nature, I preserve it, respect it, reconnect and commune with it. I will lift people up and love everyone instead of tearing them down. I began to see the WIN/WIN in everything instead of the WIN/LOSE model. I find joy in simplicity as opposed to materialistic pursuits or possessions. I found wholeness within myself and want that for others. I chose to love myself instead of seeking love from another. The word Holy, after all, does mean whole.

As an added note, The word “heart” appears over 800 times in the Holy Bible. Is that a coincidence? The symbol used within the heart chakra in Hinduism and Buddhism symbolizes the “unity within” and predates all Abrahamic religions by thousands of years. You know it as the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon today. That symbol predates all religions on the planet. Maybe it truly is the “heart of the matter” we seek.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

COMMUNICATION and your INNER TRUTH are BLUE- This realm or dimension of the human body is found in the throat. It has been called the sword of the spirit and the word of God in some religious circles. It is speaking your own inner truth. It is to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. Think of the prophets, ascended masters and sages of the past speaking truths of deeper realities and of the world beyond the veil. They spoke of the true meaning of life and what freedom really was.

Do you seek your own inner truth? Do you just sit quietly and listen to that still voice within you devoid of all the “noise” of the world? The place where you find your one true authentic self? Are you a parrot of others’ opinions, or do you speak your own truth? These are all questions I asked myself along the way. I found that only in time spent alone could I become “ALL ONE.”

Remember each of these realms, tiers, levels, dimensions, rungs, or wheels build upon each other like lego or building blocks. You are energy, and vibration and energy must be brought upward through higher vibration. They are all required for a fulfilling life of peace and harmony within you. What you become within becomes your outer reality. Let’s jump into the 2 spiritual senses, and it is my belief they are the 2 fish that little boy shared in the feeding of the multitudes. There were 5 loaves and 2 fish, weren’t there?

“You are spirit having a human experience. When you realize this it becomes a spiritual journey of self-realization and self-actualization”

SPIRITUAL INSIGHT is INDIGO is found between and behind the eyebrows. It has been called many things by many people. It has been called the 3rd eye chakra by the Hindus. It has been called “thine single eye” by Jesus, the eye of Horus by the Egyptians, the eyes of wisdom by Buddha. It is the pinecone held in those ancient carvings of the Annunaki found in the Sumerian civilization and the big pinecone you will find erected in Vatican City. It is the “eyes to see and ears to hear”.

It is the pineal gland. This is your spiritual insight and it is self-knowledge and increased awareness of yourself and the world around you.

Insight means “your sight within” or “to look within.” It showed me to get out of my head and into my heart. It taught me to feed my spirit, and in turn, it feeds my soul. It taught me to let go of many things, including people that killed my spirit, and replace them with the many things that feed my spirit.

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light”


Based upon my life experiences, If you remove spiritual insight or indigo from the journey you will be a slave to your feelings, emotions and desires and only see the reality others want you to see.

Have you ever watched crabs in a bucket? They are all trying to climb out but the crabs below keep dragging them back down into the bucket. This is an analogy of a life I once lived and of the world today.

It truly is the blind leading the blind, a herd mentality. I felt like I was being cast around in a storm. It is the difference between being in the world or of the world. Screw that; I want true spiritual freedom and choose to be rich in every area of my life. When a crab gets out of the bucket, it heads for the open ocean.

Spiritual insight is the eye that sees or connects through the heart. I guess you could call it your “heart eyes.” When we make a conscious effort to change our inner world, it affects our outer world too.

ENLIGHTENMENT or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS is VIOLET. It lies slightly outside the body above the head. It has been called the lotus, the crown, the halo and has been called so many other things as well throughout the ages but most agree it is enlightenment and divine bliss. Have you ever noticed throughout religions and history the ascended masters never required a book as a reference?

They just KNOW. Enlightenment is KNOWING.

They have made connection with the divine, the universal consciousness. The term for the supreme deity goes by so many names and throughout so may peoples, doesn’t it?

I have studied them all as an archeologist, spiritual seeker, and world traveler. I have had the opportunity to study with so many different spiritual teachers from many different peoples, belief systems, and religions. I searched them out and sat down, shut up, and listened. Why would I limit myself to just one with all this ancient knowledge from all the ascended masters available to us today? I guess you could say “I followed to Egypt” and found “All the world’s knowledge there” as a metaphor. I love them all.

I have incorporated so many practices from them all into my life, and I have never been happier and invigorated in my life. I will keep learning and growing. The more I know, the more I don’t know. It keeps me humble, which, like gratitude, are superpowers. I actually start and end each day with a “Thank you” and review all the things I am thankful for. I have found it to be spirit fuel.

Our ancestors left us clues throughout history, and the further you go back in time, the more advanced we were, especially in terms of self-knowledge, awareness, and the unseen world. They were of a higher consciousness that we are only beginning to unravel today. The ancients from the Egyptians to the Sumerians, the Jews and the early Christians, the Greeks to India, spoke of quantum physics, metaphysics and knew more about the inner workings, the inner sciences, of the human body than we do today.

“Learned Knowledge or IQ is linear, a straight line with a ground-level view.”

“Consciousness and awareness are vertical and spatial with a mountain top view.”

Robert Quest

This is just a brief overview of a continuing lifelong journey that truly never ends. You just continue growing. If you seek knowledge, you will find the truth and you will gain wisdom as a very wise and special teacher once said. Learned knowledge is only the beginning of understanding.

Learned knowledge or Intellect that is measured by an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is LINEAR, a straight line. The line can get longer with more learned knowledge but it will always be a line with a ground-level view.

Consciousness, however, is VERTICAL and SPATIAL. The further you climb to higher levels of being, of higher consciousness, the better view you have. It can be a view from a mountain top or the view on the wings of an eagle. If you climb down to lower levels of consciousness you will be the serpent slithering on its belly which is what that symbol represents in that old story. The choice is yours.

You can be of high intelligence but at the same time low consciousness. You can be of low IQ but have a very high level of consciousness. You can also achieve both.

So I say, go find your own promised land, go climb that mountain, get out of the boat, go take a walk and sit under that tree and just “be,” go be like water and flow, or go sit in the garden, go part that sea or cross that river. Maybe you decide to take your own vision quest and spend 40 days in the wilderness alone. Life is meant to be lived on your terms, so GO LIVE IT and climb!

We truly can not create a new world with the level of consciousness of the last millennia, individually or collectively.

“No Sign of the Morning Coming, You’ve been left on your own like a Rainbow in the Dark”




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